Friday 14 October 2011

Brandon Marshall what are you thinking?

New York Jets Head Coach, Rex Ryan,  hopes that Marshall will get chucked out. Tony Sparano explains that Marshall was "50-percent kidding."

Brandon Marshall came out with some very interesting comments earlier this week. He was "fired up" about the fierce AFC East with the NY Jets on MNF. So fired up that he would probably get into a fight he said. Interesting display of mind games.

The Jets, Rex Ryan, renouned for his own comments of confidence, hopes that Marshall does get thrown out. Easy response to make considering that Marshall is Miami's only offensive weapon.

Dolphin's Head Coach has tried to calm down Marshall's comments explaining that they were a joke. "I know one thing about that guy: He's not going to do anything to hurt this football team." Lets think about this for a second.

So the Dolphins are 0-4. They have a new quarterback and a rookie running back. Their defence is arguably the worst in the league and their Head Coach is experiencing more heat than a baked potato. Lets just say that the Dolphins are struggling. When a team is struggling do you really want to anger one of the best defences in the league? Especially a defence that relies on physical presence and big hit-ability.

So really, Marshall has hurt his team-mates. Some might argue that he is showing passion. Some might say he is diverting the pressure onto himself. Whichever one you think it is, he is adding heat to an already fierce rivalry match up on MNF. Not smart.

I have had enough of Marshall. After his comments I finally reach my end with the guy and traded him in my Fantasy Football League. Say what you want, I do not regret this (unless he now has 100+ yards every game which I doubt). Marshall mouth seems to do a lot of talking. Didn't he say he was going to play in the NBA last year? Marshall is wasting his talents at Miami and its his own fault.

The Miami Dolphins corporation has enough to worry about. New quarterback, possibly a new coach and they need a brand new defence. Marshall has definitely hurt his defence and unless he has a multiple touchdown game, I would not forgive him.

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