Saturday 8 October 2011

Al Davis Dies

The long-time Oakland Raiders owner, Al Davis, passed away on Saturday at his home aged 82. Davis has done some remarkable things at Oakland; although his methods have been criticised.

Al Davis was always a man on a mission. Whether he was in court victoriously taking his team to L.A. or suing the NFL for money after he moved the team back. He was an incredible figure when it came to joining the AFL and NFL together in 1970.

Oakland Raiders are, "deeply saddened by the passing." They released a statement explaining that, "Al Davis was unique, a maverick, a giant among giants, a true legend among legends, the brightest star among stars, a hero, a mentor, a friend."

NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, issued a statement stating, "He defined the Raiders and contributed to pro football at every level. the respect he commanded was evident in the way that people listened carefully every time he spoke. He is a true legend of the game whose impact and legacy will forever be part of the NFL."

The man who loved his Raiders to, "Just Win, Baby" was found in his home in Oakland. The reason for his death has not been exposed yet.

As an Oakland fan I am sad to see such a great owners go. Davis took a lot of crap in my opinion for his drafting choices and relationships with coaches. I am glad that he go to an Oakland quarterback finally throwing the ball down field again and Darius Heyward-Bey finally show potential and have over 100 yards receiving.

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