Monday 19 March 2012

Manning chooses Denver while Seattle snap up Matt Flynn

After a lot of discussion, it seems the top two quarterbacks on the free-agency market have finally been signed. Peyton Manning signed for Denver yesterday while Matt Flynn decided to move to the west coast and became a Seahawk.

NFL's worst conferences get boasts

The addition of these new quarterbacks into the AFC West and NFC West were definitely tactical decisions. These two conferences are easily the weakest in their own divisions.

Elway and Fox get their traditional quarterback

From Day One of Tim Tebow's career it has been clear that the important men in Denver have always a typical quarterback; strange coming from Elway who was himself a quarterback kind of like Tebow.

Although what Tebow does in response is unsure, a man who took a very poor team into the semi-finals of the AFC, I am sure he will find a role and the rumour is that Jacksonville are already interested. I still think that Manning should have gone to Tennessee but he has guaranteed himself a play-off place after going into a weak division.

Manning's signing comes after a lot of speculation. Although contract negotiations have not been agreed, it seems that a 5-year, $95 million deal. Very expensive for someone who might end his career after one big hit.

Most Broncos fans will be ecstatic by this signing, however I would still be unsure due to his physical situation.

Flynn will need to be a 'Seahawk' to be successful

It was no stranger to see Tavarris Jackson on the the medical list week after week in Seattle. If your wondering why then just watch a game to see a poor offensive line.

Flynn's decision to take the deal in Seattle is a strange one. I hope he is good at handling pressure because he will be chased consistency in his first few games to see if he can handle a starting position in the NFL.

Although his conference is also very weak, Flynn's success might be measured by his offensive line rather his ability which is a shame. He does however have an inspired Marshawn Lynch in the backfield and players like Sidney Rice and Zach Miller to throw the ball to; he definitely has a chance.

Flynn signed a three-year deal worth $26 million with $10 million being guaranteed. Flynn was easily the second best option after Peyton Manning and the Seahawks have made a good acquisition. Hopefully he is the man that Seattle have needed for a long and allows them to focus on their offensive line in the draft.

It is great to see two 'weaker' teams sign these big players. I am probably over-critical of Manning but its not because I am not a fan, I do not buy into his physical condition after signing that huge contract with the Colts and then not playing all season long.

Only time will tell.

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