Saturday 14 April 2012

Thomas bites the hand that fed him

Demaryius Thomas has recently explained on a that he is happy to see Peyton Manning come in due to Tebow's poor play. Interesting considering Tebow at quarterback doubles his statistics in one season.

Tim Tebow was not necessarily the best quarterback to ever play in the NFL, we all know that. However, he did some incredible things with the Bronco's last season even though you do have to give credit to their amazing defence.

Thomas, who has a lot to be thankful of Tebow in my opinion, also extended a group opinion that,
"Everything on ESPN was all about Tim... That bothered some players too."

I think Thomas forgets that without Tebow he was not a relevant wide receiver.

Tebow- Thomas... Big Play Potential

I will be the first person to agree that Tebow threw some serious melons in his days at Denver. The ball was not clean and he did miss some open receivers. However, when you look at Kyle Orton and what he brings to the table, you have a decent quarterback. Thomas was not getting the ball last season under Orton, Tebow comes in and gives Thomas some plays to remember. Obviously, Thomas was not criticising Tebow when he threw him a 80 yard bomb to beat the Steelers in the post season.

The man from Georgia Tech has a very big mouth. His 2010 stats sit at around 280 yards and 2 TDs whereas in 2011 he went to 551 yeards and 4 touchdowns. Thomas was injured for a part of the season but without Tebow he was irrelevant on this offense.

Thomas should shut up personally. He was not a factor before Tebow, he might not be a factor afterwards. In all fairness, if I was Peyton Manning then I would not be happy with a WR criticising an old QB. Manning might develop a better relationship with Eric Decker, which seems to be a better option in terms of speed and hands.

Thomas seemed to forget that he is not a Top 10 NFL receiver yet. He has no right to criticise the man who put him on ESPN and he needs to be quiet.

Tebow not in control of ESPN

As for his ESPN comments. First off, I do not think Thomas' team-mates would appreciate his grouping that people were mad at everything being about Tebow. Tim fully noted in interviews consistently that he thanked his defence for being awesome. Anyone who knows anything about football knows that Denver's success was due to the stout defence and Tebow's success was also about a good running game. For Thomas to speak for the whole Denver squad when he is still very young in this league seems very arrogant.

As for Tebow being all over ESPN, who's fought was that. Tebow did not ask to be glorified nor was he glorified all the time. He took a lot of stick on ESPN as well as praise. People were always talking about him not being long-term. Not the kind of stuff you want to hear if your taking a team to the play-offs. Tebow did not crave attention.

Thomas is blaming Tebow for things he cannot control and should realise that he was nothing if Tebow was not there. Tebow made Thomas and it would not surprise me to see Manning and Decker link up together. All I know is that I will not draft Thomas in Fantasy Football with comments like that.

My Man Skip Bayless says it all.